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All-Tarrant Plumbing Inc

1605 Hart Court
Southlake, TX
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(817) 421-8277
(817) 737-1200
M8479, master plumbing repairs. Our specialties include ceramic tile, commodes, faucets, freeze breaks, gas, hydro-jet drain cleaning, hydro-static drain testing, insurance claims, slab leaks located & repaired, vide drain inspections, water & sewer lines and water heaters. We accept american express, discover, insurance claims, mastercard and visa for payment. Our preferred brands include bradford white, commercial, lochinvar, residential and takagi. We can assist you with 24 hour radio dispatch, 24 hour repair & drain service, all phones answered at and all trucks dispatched from 110 sports park way , any & all plumbing & tile, apartments, boilers, ceramic t, ceramic tile, ceramic tile repairs, comme, commodes, countertops, drain cleaning, emergency sewer & drain cleaning , entry ways, faucets, freeze breaks, gas or electric, gas, water & sewer lines, honest plumbing repairs, hydro-jet drain cleaning, hydro-static drain testing, insurance claims, kitchen & bath remodeling, kitchen & bathroom remodeling, kitchen - bath, kitchen remodeling, kitchen-bath, pipe thawing, repaired or replaced, shower pan replacement, shower stalls, shower stalls - tile, slab leaks, slab leaks located, slab leaks located & repaired, slab leaks repaired, tile specialist, tile, walls, floors, ceiling, v, video drain inspection, video drain inspections, video drain inspections slab leaks located & repaired , water heaters, water heaters gas and water & sewer lines. 47 years experience, ask for pop, smart coupons. We've served residential and commercial customers. Open for business 24 hour radio dispatch.


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